First Quarter: Architecture
Week 1: A New Hope
- This Is going to be a busy year.
- Change your fiscal Narrative to help your clients
- Announcing the annual roadmap
Week 2: Assess, Recommend, Budget, Roadmap
- Event Calendar breakdown, what activities to focus on.
- What are client expectations this year?
- What action items can you take to be successful this year?
Week 3: Beginning Stakeholder interviews
- These may be the biggest tool you have for
- Revenue generation
- Client retention
- Profitability
Week 4: Architecture Audits
- Tips and tricks to make the process more efficient.
- Defining your high level stack
- Where to focus to get the best experience...
- ...spoiler is projects!
Week 1: Architecture Audits Continued
- Deep dive of the architecture report
- Drive your projects with proper audit proceedures
- Increase your perceived value by moving the needle!
Week 2: Architecture Audits Personnas
- Using the personna to win over clients
- How to sell your projects as a competitive advantage to customers
- Build trust with a customer journey
Week 3: New Release Overview
How to use the new home screens to:
- Save time
- Increase customer stickiness
- Generate revenue
- Close opportunities faster.
Week 4:Architecture Audits: Recommendations
2022 Architecture Audits: Recommendations
- Decrease time to decision
- Increase customer buy-in
- Understand the mindset of your customer
Week 1: QBRs are Dead
- Software Update Notes
- Why QBRs are dead, or at least evolved
- Where QBRs went wrong...
Week 2:Next Level QBRs (Part 2)
- Upgrade the content of your meetings
- How to talk about the coming quarter
Week 3: Quoting vs Proposing for dummies
- An overview of the Proposal Tool
- How to use all your work to fuel the proposal
- The Value of Soft Selling
Week 4: Quarter 1 Summary, Q2 Roadmap
- MILESTONE: End of quarter 1.
- What to do when you are behind.
- How to wrap up Q1 activites in the tool (Snapshots)
Week 5: Wrapping Up Architecture
- Make sure the right Solutions are in place before trying to leverage additional features
Second Quarter: Service
Week 1: Education Focused is the time!
How to increase revenue for schools:
- Grants...why you need to know them
- Summer change windows
- School Administrator isnt like a CEO...completely
Week 2: Gov't Focused MSPs...your time has arrived too!
- Who should you invite to a budget workshop?
- What are the key activities for a budget workshop.
- How will a budget workshop increase your client success?
- How does the managed Humanize IT tool fit into a budget workshop?
Week 3: Stop Wasting time! Classify your clients...Easy as A, B, C
- How to classify your clients
- How to match up appropriate services
- How alignment will increase perceived value!
- How to use the tool to deliver services to client levels and save time! (eg. using playbooks, CES and donuts)
Week 4: How Service Audits add context
- How to use the built in service audits.
- How to use the April action item to align customer services.
- A smidge on pre-sales of services to increase perceived value
Week 5: Bonus Session (TBD)
2022 we talked through the new software roadmap which is finished now! Assess, Reccomend, Budget, Deliver
Week 1: Service Audits: Delivery Alignment
- How to generate profits with service audits.
- Why are your focused on hardware/software?
- How to spread out the project load to take advantage of summer
- How to align delivery with your project teams to reduce stress.
Week 2: How to build healthy work-life balance
- Using Roadmaps to provision Employees
- What is an Employer of Choice and how do I become one?
- How to put the right people in the right seats.
Week 3: Use Service Gap Analysis to prove your worth
- How to Audit Customer Gaps (Service Stack)
- How to align with your customer's gaps
- How to Deliver Quality Solutions that your client wants
Week 4: Add context to your recommendations
- Create "Friendly" names for projects
- Add in business need to your pojects
- Ensure that you are talking with your client rather than at them
Week 1: Q2 Review Q3 Planning
- Q2: What went well, what could go better?
- How to increase perceived value through Service Delivery
- What does Q3 look like?
Week 2: Set Expectations
- How do you set expectations appropriately?
- How does the tool help?
- What do we mean by top down planning and delivery?
- NOTE: This will be a key differentiator for your MSP
Week 3: Ticket Review and SLAs
- Why it is easy to get addicted to ticket KPIs
- Why SLAs are almost always mismanaged
- How to change your mindset, and decrease your overhead.
Week 4: Project maps
- Tactical vs Strategic Project planning.
- Using Project Roadmaps to manage the battlefield
- How to get out of the way of your engineers, while freeing up their time.
Week 5: Next Level Service Delivery
- How to deliver next level service
- How to speak your clien'ts language
- How to identify and prioritize services
Third Quarter: Risk
Week 1: Intro to the Risk Pillar
- What is Risk? (Are you certain you know?)
- How do talk about Risk
- What the biggest mistakes MSPs make when assessing clients.
Week 2: Sell Risk audits using project proposals
- How to use project proposals to sell Risk Audits
- How much should I charge for a NIST Overview?
- Tips and tricks to get buyin from your clients so they see the value.
Week 3: Use the NIST report to focus on specific areas.
- How to read the nice overview report
- How to monitize NIST assessments
- How to use controls to push projects
Week 4: Cadence
- How to start a cadence today!
- How a cadence increases your revenue immediately
- How a cadence will put you ahead in your market year over year.
Week 1: Client Touchpoint Alerting
- Why do touchpoints get missded so often?
- How touchpoints generate revenue
- How to use touchpoint alerting with the tool
Week 2: Risk Audits: Why Control Families Keep You Secure
- What are Control Families
- How do they keep us secure
- How do they drive profits!
Week 3: Risk Audits: How Control Families Increase Confidence
- You NEED to learn compliance basics
- A small history lesson.
- Confidence = Shorter Sales Cycle
Week 4: Risk Audits: Be secure, be certain, be confident. |
Week 1: 4TH QUARTER WARNING! Start building strategy for 2025!
- Here is the journey we will take you on in 2025
- Here is how much it will cost
- How it will build your business
Week 2: Strategy meets Budgets, be an example for customers.
- How to plan budgets
- How to create a proposal for a budget (in seconds)
- An easy change to your proposals to push them over the edge
Week 3: Meet with Customers to plan Q4 activities
- What should a Q4 QBR look like
- How to combine Q4 QBRs and Annual reviews
- A list of DO NOT DO THIS in a Q4 QBR.
Week 4: Asset Management
- How to properly handle Asset Management
- Budgeting for Depreciation...not warranties.
- CAPEX vs OPEX a primer...and how not knowing costs you money.
Fourth Quarter: Strategy
October (Cyber Security Month)
- How to deal with Gov't clients
- How are annual review sessions different than QBRs
- How to maximize delivery this month!
Week 2: Continuing Stakeholder interviews (We told you in January we would hit these again)
- What are Stakeholder interviews
- Why this results in cash for you immediately
- What are the RIGHT questions?...(you already have them FYI)
Week 3: Get your MSP 'unstuck'
- How to avoid getting operationally stuck.
- The difference between operational and strategic planning.
- How to increase profits with an appropriate vision.
Week 4: Tactical vs Strategic QBRs
- Strategic vs Tactical (again)
- Using the QBR Personna to Change Mindsets
- Using the new project roadmap to deliver true strategy.
Week 1: End of Year Activities
- End-of-year quick proposals (not quotes)
- Snapshotting the end of year, starting a new year
- Build customer Trust with Roadmaps
Live From IT Nation Connect 2022 |
Week 3: End of Year Activites (Continued)
- Painpoints
- 2024 Projects
- The one thing
Week 4: USA BREAK |
Week 1: Holiday Month!
- Dos and Don't of the holiday season
- How to de-stress prior to Q1
- Road mapping etiquette
Week 2: The Value of Laziness
- Cadence and Planning = Profit and Client Confidence
- Using proposals to increase client confidence
- Profitability win-win: Trade hardware for service
- Client Christmas gift ideas
Week 3: A Few Last Minute Tricks
- What was the deal with this year?!?
- What happened to the planned recession?
- What does this mean for MSPs in 2024?
Week 4: A Look into the Future
- How does an election year affect customer buying?
- Tips on taking advantage of the economy.
- Tips from the group for 2024?